During the lockdown, our office decided to move all those regular workplace events and contests to online mode. There were many non-competitive events and competitive contests like dance loops, acapella, making trolls, etc.

One contest was to write a “tiny tale” in just 180 characters or less, a maximum of 3 entries per person, and the theme is “lockdown”. Here are the “tiny tales” that I wrote:


The country went #LockDown. He badly wanted to hang out with her. Suddenly he realized that Google is replacing Hangouts with Meet. So he decided to meet her. Now he is in #LockUp.


T h e  k e y s  i n  m y  K e y b o a r d  a r e  p r a c t i c i n g  s o c i a l  d i s t a n c i n g ,  s o  I  c a n ‘ t  f i n i s h  m y  s t o r y  i n  1 8 0  c h a r a c t


She followed all the rules. Added proper distancing of form elements. Masked sensitive fields. Still got virus infected because she didn’t sanitize anything from the outside world.

Although I didn’t win😐 that was a fun experience😝!

If you are interested, see here the Youtube channel with the videos of the winners of other video-related events.